Coaching Brief Form

We encourage all clients to provide the following information as an initial brief for a coaching requirement. The details you provide here will inform a conversation with a member of our team who will then recommend appropriate coaches and outline next steps.

  • Coaching Counterpart Name (recipient of coaching)

  • Address

  • Contact

  • Manager/Sponsors name and contact (if applicable)

  • Please describe the top three objectives of coaching

  • How will we know coaching has been successful? Are there specific measures of success?

  • Timeframe

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Is there any other relevant information we should know such as availability, planned role change, organisational change?

  • Have diagnostics been completed recently? Is a particular diagnostic requested?

  • Is there anything in particular you are looking for in a coach? e.g. style, location, diagnostic accreditation, background, areas of expertise.